
In a democracy, the political parties are meant to be instruments for delivering development and solutions to political crises and other challenges facing the country. In the case of Tanzania, political parties are now the source of some of the biggest problems, from which we cannot expect any solutions to come from these instruments of civic justice. The manner by which CCM and CHADEMA have carried themselves of late and their leaders behavior, actions and utterances, leave very little to be desired. At this rate, Tanzania is not likely to neither solve the current economic problems nor avoid the ensuing political crisis.
The problems began with a series of weak decisions made early in the first term of the current administration and further intensified leading up to the 2010 elections. The parties have since honed down and began vigorously pursuing their personal and partisan interests while grossly neglecting the national cause. As a result of this selfish battle, Tanzania is today facing a real possibility of falling into its worst economic and political crisis since the early.
The crux of the problem lies in the golden goblet of the 2015 elections, at the moment all roads lead to the 10 million dollar question; who and which party will lead the government in 2015. CHADEMA is inspired, having smelt blood in the results of the 2010 general elections, the party is too eager to capitalize on its gains, cement its new-found base and topple CCM all in one fell swoop. However, its enthusiasm could be its own downfall. On the other corner we have the wounded lion; CCM still trying to sort itself out but the only problem is it doesn’t seem to know which self needs the sorting. The grand old party of Tanzania is divided and tearing at the seams, noisy bickering in its ranks and the troops are drunk with confusion. It is no surprise that there is little that resembles cohesion whenever the party speaks.
Everyday Tanzanians have to endure the tired headlines that seem to have narrowed our future down to CCM or CHADEMA, what a pitiful choice I say! Each party is singularly focused at playing one against the other. No single party is unanimous about its own leadership, the solutions they offer to key issues or even who should lead the government should they win. The intra-party feud is so intense that the factions are not prepared to accept the candidate of their own party for a post if he/she happens to belong to a rival faction within the same party. How self-centered are the politics? What brands of leadership are we being asked to subscribe to?
We know what happens next; when push comes to shove the very same politicians will be willing to offer the post to a particular leader of another party. While asking you the voter to remain loyal to him/her! It is no lie that CHADEMA have the upper hand, successfully selling the perception of an administration that has failed lead, failed to manage and failed to deliver on promises. However in order to counter CHADEMA’s campaign CMM would need a singularly focused party with some credibility and a little media savvy, unfortunately neither seems within reach.
In this era and of this model of democracy, politics is said to be the guiding force behind peace, development and democratization. In Tanzania’s case, it is just the other way around. It is the politic-stupid that has consumed the air and is distracting an entire nation. Be it during the hay days of Mwalimu, ujamaa socialist system or in the present multi-party system, politics are a fundamental factor behind Tanzania’s sorry state.

Politics are seen as a tool to amass wealth by misusing authority. The leaders consider the country and its wealth as their private property. To get to power and to retain it, the parties and politicians apply all possible means – both legal and illegal. The norms, values, laws and ethics are just subjects of public discourse and well practices rhetoric but not to be practiced. This kind of mentality has captured the minds of young and old and ruined the political arena, which has overflowed to pollute every sector of the society. This explains the increasing number of respected professionals, academicians, thugs, businessmen/women that are quickly abandoning their trade for place at the round table!

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